Showing 1 - 25 of 54 Results
Examination of Some Texts in the New Testament That Relate to the Deity of Our Lord Jesus Ch... by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781166447946 List Price: $18.36
Examination of Some Texts in the New Testament That Relate to the Deity of Our Lord Jesus Ch... by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781166506841 List Price: $30.36
The Catholic epistle of St. James; a revised text with translation, introduction, and notes,... by Francis Tilney Bassett ISBN: 9781231122174 List Price: $19.99
The Catholic Epistle of St. James; A Rev. Text With Translation, Introd., and Notes Critical... by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781153321396 List Price: $22.44
An Examination of Some of the More Important Texts in the New Testament That Relate to the D... by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781143868139 List Price: $22.75
'things That Must Be', 4 Advent Sermons by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781143107801 List Price: $18.75
An Examination Of Some Texts In The New Testament That Relate To The Deity Of Our Lord Jesus... by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781120222244 List Price: $37.95
The Catholic Epistle of St. James by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781115869836 List Price: $23.75
The Catholic Epistle of St. James by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781115869843 List Price: $22.75
An Examination of Some Texts in the New Testament That Relate to the Deity of Jesus Christ by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9780217555210 List Price: $14.41
The Catholic Epistle of St. James by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781115869829 List Price: $26.99
The Catholic Epistle of St. James by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781115869812 List Price: $30.99
Sacred Allegories And Their Lessons: In Verse (1873) by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781120025852 List Price: $16.95
An Examination Of Some Texts In The New Testament That Relate To The Deity Of Our Lord Jesus... by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781120150127 List Price: $22.95
Christ In Eternity And Time: Four Sermons (1871) by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781120270801 List Price: $20.95
Christ In Eternity And Time: Four Sermons (1871) by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781120349187 List Price: $35.95
An Examination of Some ... Texts in the New Testament That Relate to the Deity of ... Jesus ... by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781146271370 List Price: $22.75
Christ in Eternity and Time, 4 Sermons by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781151312655 List Price: $12.90
The Catholic Epistle Of St. James (1876) by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781104482671 List Price: $26.95
The Catholic Epistle Of St. James (1876) by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781104555207 List Price: $41.95
'Things That Must Be', 4 Advent Sermons by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781154476675 List Price: $14.14
Sacred Allegories and Their Lessons, in Verse by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781154492552 List Price: $14.14
Things That Must Be', 4 Advent Sermons by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9780371287644 List Price: $9.95
The Catholic Epistle of St. James by Francis Tilney Bassett ISBN: 9780530255125 List Price: $23.95
Sacred Allegories and Their Lessons : In Verse (1873) by Bassett, Francis Tilney ISBN: 9781168793010 List Price: $25.56
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